Friends, Romans, Countrymen...
I haven't been neglecting you---all things cake/cupcakes have been consuming my life. Work has been hectic since the flavor schedule changed.
Last week, I was working on a post for you guys about how to make chocolate fudge cake. I baked and decorated the sucker as a birthday cake for Mom's friend. It was my first experience with fondant.
Apparently it worked.
Sorry, but I'm not going to be able to share the cake recipe at all. Why? Someone liked it so much she ordered a cake off of me. That means it has been used professionally and is going into the vault. Sorry, again!
I will, however, share what I learned in the process.
Lesson 1: Ganache is my friend
I had some leftover ganache from filling my cake. I though to myself, "Gee, self, what can we do with this other than eat it with a spoon? Of course! Cover the cake with it!" So I did. And it set up really nicely, making it easier to spread my crumb coat. Huzzah!
Ganache center |
I can't imagine what applying the fondant would have been like if the frosting hadn't set up so nicely.
Lesson 2: Fondant is...well....
Oh fondant. What a pain in the patootie. I understand its practical application. And it was pretty sweet not having to make sure my frosting was inhumanly flat. But rolling that stuff? It was a workout for my rolling pin. It cracks. It folds. Fortunately, it also massages back together. I'm still trying to decide if it's worth the effort. It takes some practice.
It's very pretty when it's freshly rolled! Before I accidentally muck it all up. I'm still working on the technique. Don't judge.
Lesson 3: It is all worth it.
What I love so much about baking is the joy it brings to others. The warm feelings. Memories of childhood. A little pick me up on a rough day. Sometimes, particularly after a rough day at work, I lose touch with that. This birthday cake brought that back. More specifically, the reactions I got from the cake's recipient reminded me that this is why I bake. And that's the most important lesson of them all.
Morgan made me this great cake for my Birthday last week it was not only one of the bigest cakes I have ever had it was by far one of the best. I have 2 family members that are bakers and this cake could have been displayed in any other their stores. I want to Thank Morgan again for all her time and effort in makeing my Birthday so great .