Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Celebrate Oktoberfest: Honey Beer Bread

Friends, Romans, Countrymen....

Hooraaaaaaay beer!

It's October.

And do you know what that means?

Oktoberfest. And that means dad brewed his Oktoberfest beer. Also, Mr. Beta is coming to visit me this weekend, which means it's time to try an entirely new and interesting recipe.

All of these variables can only add up to one thing: Beer bread time!

"Beer bread? But this recipe...it's so simple...I couldn't possibly make it!"

Said no one ever.

Here's what you need:

Honey Beer Bread

3 C. APF
2 T. sugar
1 T. baking powder
1 t. salt
2 T. honey
1 bottle beer
4 T butter, melted

We're kickin' it old school today, dears. No stand mixer here; just good old-fashioned hand stirring. This keeps from over-mixing the dough.

Preheat your oven to 350F.

Whisk together the dry ingredients, so they're well combined--we don't want any sugar lumps here!

Whisk whisk whisk...I could say it for hours...

(Editor's Note: Isn't "whisk" an awesome word?)

Add the honey (or agave, if you're so inclined). You'll save yourself a lot of time and energy if you pop the honey into Chef Mic(rowave) for about 10 seconds, just to liquefy it a bit, making it easier to pour.

 Open up your brewski and pour it in and mix everything to make a sticky dough. Mix until just combined. Over-mixed bread dough makes for tough bread.


At this point, if you want to add any other ingredients to kick up the flavor---for example cheese, herbs, and the like---fold them in now. I added some whiskey cheddar cheese.


Pour half of the butter into the bottom of the pan, drop in the dough, and pour the other half of the melted butter on top of the dough. Bake for 45-50 minutes.

Om nom nom!

Over and out.

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