Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Shortbread Sammies: So Easy Even a CaveMAN Can Do It

Friends, Romans, Countrymen....

Here's the list of things I should be doing more of:
  1. pleasure baking 
  2. taking pictures of said pleasure baking 
  3. posting aforementioned pleasure baking and related pictures to my blog
Here's a list of things I should do less of: 
  1. watch Law and Order: SVU reruns on Netflix 
  2. drink Diet Coke (that New Year's resolution lasted about two hours) 

But Valentine's Day is coming. And I can't possibly abandon you fine folks for another holiday. So today I bring you a recipe so simple that you should e-mail it to your non-cooking partner (for the sake of simplicity, I am going to say the man in your life) and tell him to make these blasted things for Valentine's Day. 

Or make them for yourself for Singles Awareness Day, depending on who you are.

These are shortbread sandwiches, and they will be your Valentine...even if that special someone won't.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Lemon Ricotta Cookies: or, Why Citrus Belongs in Everything

Friends, Romans, Countrymen

Let me start by apologizing for my absence. Holiday season in the bakery has me pulling overtime and up at hours that don't even qualify as morning yet. So, sorry, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

I am sure, in my absence, you found yourself wondering what my favorite Italian cheese is. (Or at least this is what I imagine.) The answer to your burning question? Simple, versatile ricotta. It is one of a number of reasons I will never be able to suck it up and become a vegan.

I also imagine you wondering what my favorite fruit is. The answer to that question is, naturally, anything citrus. Tangerines, clementines, lemons, limes, grapefruit---I have even tried tangelos. The natural tangy sweetness of citrus makes me salivate. Pity my keyboard.